2013 Annual Conference
Managing Projects, Programs, and Portfolios: The Power of Professionalism
August 23, 2013
Get Involved!
Welcome to the 12th annual conference sponsored by the PMI Portland Chapter. This unique learning experience provides you with an opportunity to share your expertise, showcase your products and services, and connect with the growing project management community. This once-in-a-year educational event attracts more than 200 practitioners, business leaders and professionals who want to grow their skills, hear the latest trends from industry leaders and see demonstrations of products and services that support their profession and career goals. Don’t miss this opportunity - consider being a sponsor and/or exhibitor at this “must attend” event! 2012 Conference guide
Become a Sponsor or Exhibitor
A wide variety of sponsor and exhibitor packages are available to provide everything you need to interact with the people who matter most to your business. Benefits in being a sponsor or exhibitor at the Annual Conference include:
- Showcasing your products and services to the growing project management community
- Connecting with key decision makers and influencers, and making new business connections
- Receiving complimentary registrations for your employees and/or key customers
- Engaging in face-to-face conversations with your target audience
- Being seen as a supporter of the project management profession
And much more!
To get started, download the Sponsor & Exhibitor Prospectus . Contact annual_conf_sponsors@pmi-portland.org for details.
You won’t want to miss this premier networking and prospecting event!
Become a Speaker
Participating in the Annual Managing Projects, Programs, and Portfolios Conference as a speaker has the following specific benefits:
- Showcase your knowledge/expertise in areas of interest to both emerging project management professionals and experienced professionals resulting in new contacts and networking opportunities.
- Exposure to a wide audience of experienced project management professionals and executives managing strategic initiatives using multiple, complex programs and projects as the vehicle for those initiatives.
- Exposure to an emerging project management professional audience attending the conference through their affiliation other participating organizations.
- Gain credibility through success with PMI Portland Chapter and through “word of mouth” referrals, get additional invitations to other PMI affiliates and partners as well as increased recognition for your expertise through PMI members and their associated employers.
- Speakers with well attended sessions with strong, positive feedback from participants are highlighted and will be asked to participate in additional PMI Portland Chapter workshop\seminars.
Conference Tracks
- Leading the Way
- Making the Leap
- Driving for Success
- Proving the Value
Conference Presentations
- Four 90-Minute presentations
- Eight 60-Minute Presentation
Deadline for Submission was April 30, 2013
If you are interested in presenting, submit your Abstract and Bio, with preferred choice for conference track and 60 or 90 minute presentation indicated to: annual_conf_speakers@pmi-portland.org
The PMI Portland Chapter Annual Conference is designed to provide ongoing and emerging educational topics to project managers, students and executives.
Volunteer Opportunities web page
Partner with PMI Portland Chapter
Annual Conference Speakers annual_conf_speakers@pmi-portland.org
Annual Conference Sponsor annual_conf_sponsors@pmi-portland.org
Annual Conference Director annual_conf@pmi-portland.org
VP of Professional Development vp_prof_devel@pmi-portland.org