

Workshops create a community by facilitating professional growth through education or training.  PMI Portland Chapter proudly offers educational Professional Development Units (PDUs) through in-person or virtual workshops, to our PM community, including credential holders, both members and non-members.  These workshops are intended towards the educational and professional development of the members of our PM community, bringing foundational and ground-breaking new concepts and practises that help them grow in their Project Management career. The workshop board at PMI PDX is dedicated to bringing workshops on topics that can help you advance your PM profile. Ideas and suggestions of topics are welcome!  PMI Portland Chapter members receive discounted pricing for these critical tools in your professional growth. Potential speakers can reach out to the workshop board for prospective opportunities in leading professional development workshops. 

For a listing of upcoming Workshops, please visit our Event Listing webpage

For more information, reach out to the workshop board team:

Dir of Workshops

Asst Dir of Workshops