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Payment for 2023 Virtual Spring Symposium Session 2: 10 Tangible To-do’s for Inclusive Projects - Non-Members

Speaker: Natalia Kay O'Brien

Where to Find Natalia
Affinity Projects


Successful project management relies on more than just good planning. There are invisible inter personal dynamics and larger social forces at play creating barriers for some and biases that favor  others. Set your team up for success by understanding each teammate comes with identities that  inform specific experiences that shape their perspective and how they participate.  

This presentation will provide attendees with an overview of some basic tenets of diversity, equity, and  inclusion (DEI) work while you learn ten concrete things you can do to make your project management  more inclusive and accessible. People do their best work when they feel their best, and that means  being seen, heard, respected, and feeling safe, while being resourced and supported appropriately.  Learn why DEI matters and and how to walk the talk through key strategies, skills and tools essential  for creating a space where your team excels. 

We will identify biases and discrimination that are built into our work culture, discuss the difference  between safety and comfort, and review best practices that, when implemented and/or operationalized,  create safer and more inclusive spaces. You will also become familiar with the principles and practices  of trauma-infromed care and how they can help improve communication, increase sense of safety, and  ultimately build trust with your team.

PDU(s): 1 (self-reporting code at end of video)

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