Speaker: Sam MorganWhere to Find Sam
You are tired of putting in all the long hours on that project, feeling energized by the work you are doing. Knowing you are making a real impact on people in your organization. Excited for the possibilities ahead in your career. Hoping for so much more…and then nothing.
You don’t feel seen. You don’t feel heard. And you certainly don’t feel valued.
So what do you do when you are drained and ready to quit on your dreams? Quietly walk away…
There is another way…you don’t have to throw in the towel just yet.
The way isn't quick or easy. It will take bravery, intention, time and commitment to the process. But you are up for it.
Sure you can keep spinning….stuck in a rut and never making real progress on your dreams. Living in the land “if only”...”shoulda, woulda, coulda” is your refrain. Rather than confidently taking steps every day toward opportunity….where the mantra is “so what…i’ll handle it!”
During this session I’m going to share the 4 steps of this simple pattern, my story of how practicing this pattern not only helped me launch my own coaching business …and most importantly how you can apply this pattern in your life to change the way you think and move forward in your career today and beyond.
PDU(s): 1 (self-reporting code at end of video)