2017 Region 1 Conference Leadership Track

Project Managers must often be change agents and are always leading. Leadership is the ability to articulate a vision and guide or influence others to help achieve that objective. This track will focus on the knowledge, skills and behaviors specific to motivating and guiding others.

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Samad Aidane, MSc. PMP

aidane samadMr. Samad Aidane, MSc. PMP, is a cross-cultural leadership development researcher, trainer, and coach. His global industry experience spans telecom, finance, healthcare, and government projects.

Samad holds a Master of Science Degree in the Neuroscience of Leadership from Middlesex University, U.K. His current Ph.D. research interest in Applied Neuroscience investigates how findings from social and cultural neuroscience informs our understanding of the effect of culture on emotions, cognition, and behavior, and their practical application to leadership and Cultural Intelligence development.

He has been a featured speaker for organizations such as Nike, J.P Morgan, and Emirate Airlines.

How Culture Shapes the Brain: Implications for leading across Borders and Cultures

The ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to leadership is no longer sufficient in a world that is accelerating towards globalization.

To effectively engage increasingly diverse, multicultural, and international project stakeholders, the capacity to manage and leverage cultural differences is key.

Drawing from the growing body of research in cognitive, social, and cultural neuroscience, this presentation will introduce a framework for understanding how culture shapes the brain. We will explore the core cultural dimensions that drive thoughts, emotions, and behavior in culturally diverse teams.

Presentation Outcomes:

  • Recognize the challenges of leading in a cross-cultural environment
  • Understand how culture shapes our definition of dignity and respect
  • Adapt your communication and leadership styles to the needs and demands of culturally diverse teams and stakeholders

Shimi Kang

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 Award-Winning Harvard-Trained Physician and Bestselling Author, Dr. Shimi Kang offers innovative strategies to succeed in the workplace, the classroom, and at home. In the media, Dr. Kang has written articles for The Huffington Post, Psychology Today, and Time magazine. She is a recognized TEDx speaker and media expert, discussing common and complex conditions in health, motivation, leadership, workplace culture, and 21st century skills. With over fifteen years of clinical experience and extensive research in the science that lies behind motivation and wellness, Dr. Kang shows people how to cultivate the key 21st century skills needed to flourish both professionally and personally.

 Adaptability: The One Skill Needed for Lasting Success

“All success is successful adaptation and all failure is the failure to adapt.”  Whether in the natural world, the business world, or one’s personal world, the ability to adapt is the one skill consistently proven to lead to lifelong success. But what are the ingredients of adaptation? How, why, and when do we adapt?  In this talk, Dr. Kang discusses the science behind adaptability and its core ingredients of creativity, collaboration, communication, and critical thinking.  She explains how these key 21st century skills and adaptability are needed now more than ever in our rapidly changing, globally connected, and ultra-competitive modern world. 

Line Morkbak

morkbak lineLine Mørkbak is a global business consultant and certified Management 3.0 facilitator with over 10 years of experience. Line works with international business leaders to create working environments that stimulate innovation and foster collaboration. During her dynamic and interactive workshops, she utilizes improv techniques and games to demonstrate concepts related to teamwork, innovation, and intercultural communication. Line is constantly exploring new methods to engage and empower teams.

Line holds a Master's degree in Modern Culture and Cultural Communications from University of Copenhagen and speaks Danish and English. While she has lived abroad for the past 18 years, she is now based in Portland.

Let's Collaborate: Engaging techniques to enhance co-creation in your team

How do you support a team to be more autonomous and innovative?

In this interactive session, we will briefly examine the scientific research around team practices and patterns and then experiment with several improv games. The skills used in improvisation mimic many of those exhibited by effective, co-creating teams. We will explore how improv concepts and activities can be used in groups, partake in a series of co-creation exercises, and then reflect on ways to implement them in your own workplace.

Presentation Outcomes:

  • Heighten awareness of the valuable outcome of focused team collaboration
  • Experience and practice several engaging co-creation games and techniques  
  • Apply new ideas and tools to personal work context


Speaker information by track

Keynote  |  Strategy  |  Leadership  |  Technical  |  Agile  |  Business Analysis